Berdysh Admin replied

513 weeks ago

It's getting to the point where playing this game is pointless. If we cannot manage to have 1-2 8-person events per week, I rather just unsub and play something else. The problem right now is communication has been terrble; people aren't taking the time to let me know when they're going to be around or when they're going to miss anything, and this isn't going to work when we're not longer logging on randomly.

Let's try to make this work. We know we have Freelord available on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, so for now we need to work around that. I'm just going to go ahead and say Tuesdays and Saturdays for now, with the understand that people have life stuff come up and Saturdays and they can inform us of it ahead of time. But if people cannot even commit to two static raid nights they probably shouldn't be in a raid static.

Nioulan Default replied

513 weeks ago

I probably won't be able to make it tonight. My dog has been throwing up since this morning and hasn't stopped.

Castoth replied

512 weeks ago

Should be on around 9-ish CST at the latest for Saturday. Brother's birthday happening with the family.

Berdysh Admin replied

512 weeks ago

This Tuesday let's finish Turn 6.

Nioulan Default replied

512 weeks ago

Let's finally kill the bitch.

Orson Default replied

512 weeks ago

Hey I'm doing my family dinner tonight. On the plus side I'm free Fri, Sat, and Sun. I might be back on a bit later too don't intend to stay and visit long.

Berdysh Admin replied

512 weeks ago

Yunaa is gone Friday night, and I'm not sure about Sunday, so Saturday is our only definite raid night.
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