Sess replied

517 weeks ago

No I'm not quitting FFXIV. I just got the game and was going to play it during some downtime. One of my friends and his coworkers are going to play on

  • Avatus (Dominion side)

For a server. If you end up getting the game try to get on there and mess around with us.

Sess replied

517 weeks ago

Friend my account if you end up playing

You'll see me w/e character I'm on.

Berdysh Admin replied

517 weeks ago


Guest passes if anyone wants to check it out for a few days with no money obligations.

Not quitting XIV, either. This will be like WOW was to XI for me, where I just mess around casually and probably never dive too much into endgame.

Berdysh Admin replied

516 weeks ago

Last guest pass has been claimed.

Berdysh Admin replied

516 weeks ago

Second one claimed, so the only valid one is the first.

Sess replied

516 weeks ago

I have guest passes as well. Hit me up if you need any.

Impinge replied

516 weeks ago

I'll make a character tonight.

Nioulan Default replied

515 weeks ago

The top code as been used. Sess, can you post some new guess passes? Also can you link the website to the parser you use? Act i think it's called? I'm interested in downloading it.

Berdysh Admin replied

515 weeks ago

The second code might work.

Berdysh Admin replied

514 weeks ago

I think I'm already out on this game. Combat is pretty fun but everything else is really poorly done compared to pretty much every other MMO out there. The endgame also sounds like an insane grind just to be able to participate in any real content. The bugs, the broken UI, the insane number of bots and just the horrible QOI stuff has them looking as bad at making MMOs as SE. And apparently the pre-orders and sell through have been bad.

With XIV ARR also floundering at the moment, it's just a crummy time for MMOs.
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