Berdysh Admin replied

506 weeks ago

It comes out Tuesday. Who is playing?

There are going to be raids (6-man) and strike missions (3-man) that are going to be pretty fun to do, as well as some typical FPS PVP modes.

Impinge replied

505 weeks ago

I got it for PS4

Nioulan Default replied

504 weeks ago

I'll be able to play on my friend's PS4 when I go over there on the weekends.

Berdysh Admin replied

504 weeks ago

The game is a little bit of a grind at endgame, but still really fun. The raiding sounds pretty intense.

Nioulan Default replied

504 weeks ago

Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun with Destiny. I'll be on Thursday night or Friday morning, if you're interested in playing with me. I'll try to get Imp on.

Berdysh Admin replied

502 weeks ago

There is a patch rolling out this week that's going to improve things pretty dramatically. Engrams can now only decode to their level or higher, so no more Legendary engrams turning into rares frustration. It's a good sign that they're addressing this so soon because it shows that a) they're going to be quick about improving the game and b) it may not be the kind of completely RNG based game we've grown sick of.

Here's a video of the game's first raid, The Vault of Glass:

Hitting level 28 and decent weapons seems to be key; I don't think there are any damage modifiers active for it, so having weapons with good special abilities helps. I do notice that they like to use Assaults for damaging the boss while some people are set up with Scout Rifles for taking out adds.

Nioulan Default replied

502 weeks ago

I heard you could do it at 27.

Berdysh Admin replied

502 weeks ago

For every level you're below an enemy, you gain a reduction to damage dealt and you take more damage. If you're fighting a level 28 enemy at level 27, you deal 30% less damage and take 30% more. It's not worth it.

Nioulan Default replied

502 weeks ago

At the rate this is going, it's going to take me 2 months to get ot level 28…

Berdysh Admin replied

501 weeks ago

Do bounties to hit vanguard rank 2. Get the legendary head and body from queen missions, buy an exotic gear piece from our and use vanguard marks to fill out the rest of your slots. Don't spam strikes expecting to gear up.
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