Nioulan Default replied

507 weeks ago

Can't delete posts >.>

Berdysh Admin replied

507 weeks ago

Our track record is hardly being able to raid. That isn't changing, whether it be 2.4 or the expansion. If I unsub, I'm only coming back if there's a massive overhaul on everything else. I would be fine with staying subbed right now even if there was anything of interest to do.

Orson Default replied

507 weeks ago

I've given this some thought. I have a couple weeks left in my sub and I'm letting it lapse unless something just amazing changes my mind. I'll pick the game back up if we decide to seriously raid but aside from that only really considering going back closer to the expansion so I can finish the story. I posted this on the official forums but it sums up why I think I should be boycotting paying for these lack luster updates.

(Warning wall of text)

Frankly I'm done with this game until they come out with some better content. Raiding is fun but even with raiding once you get it down you spend 2-4 hrs out of the entire week then you have nothing else to do.

Generally since 2.2 and the advent for the Atma weapons most of the decisions that SE have made are short sighted and anti-community. Relic weapons originally were a realistic goal that everyone could strive to attain and did not require a large gil or time sink. Putting effort into making a super grindy solo quest was a mistake. The quest doesn't even encourage people to do content together.

Primals actually used to be part of progression now they are a speed bump in the story line. Heck the last 3 EX primals were almost completely ignored by the vast majority of players. Primals were the thing that separated this game from other MMOs. They were iconic fights and were central to progression. They should have been central to upgrading relics or had their own unique progression path. Instead of a solidly interesting upgrade path like relics had in 2.0 we got the most boring, grindy, RNG non-content.

The new relics don't have any requirement other than having a stupid amount of time on your hands. How is that not boring? This feels like a F2P system. It feels like you should be paying to get an Atma drop rate increase or myth bonuses. This is just lazy lazy lazy development putting in the least amount of work in to get the most time wasted by its' subscription base.

Relics aren't even that bad though. Fine, SE ruins relics for everyone, except the few hardcore and a handful people who are too dumb to realize that their relic will be outdated before it's finished. It really sucks but there was other fun content to do. Until they came out with Hunts.

Elite Marks should have been an expansion on the treasure hunt system to provide 1 - 4 - 8 - 24 man open world content. Instead they release the zerg fest that is Hunts. Not only being a broken system on so many levels, it also ends up trivializing all other content because of how easy it is to get rewarded. It destroyed anyone's desire to do anything except Hunts and all semblance of a group effort. Primals, Crystal Tower, Dungeons and even Coil to a certain extent have been marginalized in their usefulness. Hunts give the illusion that people are working together but really we aren't. It's just a huge leech fest with the most minimal level of effort and team work.

SE is probably looking at the Hunts as monumental success because everyone is doing them. The problem is most people aren't doing Hunts because they are fun. The main reason people are doing Hunts is because it's a ridiculously fast way to gear up. Unfortunately for SE that's going to hit a brick wall soon because people get bored of just gearing up. They actually need worthwhile content to stay subbed, otherwise, like myself will move on to other games.

It's really sad because this game was a story of redemption that was unheard in MMOs. I really wish they weren't making the same mistakes as they did in FFXI. Sadly they are confusing RNG and grind with content and greedy individual efforts with team work. Unfortunately they don't seem to be able to deliver quality experiences because of their promise to deliver content patches in a timely basis.

Nioulan Default replied

506 weeks ago

I unsubbed.

Berdysh Admin replied

506 weeks ago

Finally. Let's raid.

Impinge replied

506 weeks ago

Well….. I think I can top Orson canceling his relic quest back in the day. I accidentally canceled my account instead of unsubscribing so… yea I put a ticket in but I doubt they'll be able to do anything.

Castoth replied

506 weeks ago

Cancelling your service account is the same as unsubscribing for XIV. Unless you did something different from me. Should have to option to reactivate under Account Services at least. Mine deactivated yesterday anyway.

Impinge replied

506 weeks ago

Yea, I did it wrong but I called their support number and they were able to reverse it so, I will be ready for 2.4 when it comes out. The number is 310-846-0345 in case anyone else is a bonehead like me. :)

Berdysh Admin replied

504 weeks ago

Are people still considering coming back for 2.4 in mid-October? Not really missing the game too much but I do miss raiding with the group.

Nioulan Default replied

504 weeks ago

I'm not sure. I do miss the raiding though.

last edited 504 weeks ago by Nioulan
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