Nioulan Default replied

512 weeks ago

Nothing real big here but Coil's story will end in 2.4.
This worries me.

Sess replied

512 weeks ago

Why would it worry you?

Nioulan Default replied

512 weeks ago

What sort of raid content are they going to provide after 2.4? Not including CT. I think they might do a savage mode for the 3rd coil but the expansion probably drop until around this time next year.

Sess replied

512 weeks ago

I think they just mean the Coil story arc will end in 2.4, and 2.5 will probably introduce bridge content.

The current theory is 2.5 will be the last patch to FFXIV 2.0 and we'll be moving into the expansion and a new story arc after that.

I don't see them stopping raid content, they are just wrapping up the story.

Berdysh Admin replied

512 weeks ago

Yeah, you need to be expecting a pretty decent gap between content patch and Expansion. It's most likely not going to follow the 3-4 month routine we've been getting. I'll predicted October for 2.4, Feb for 2.5 and then we see the expansion in July or August.
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